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Q: What are the different ways that I can donate?



#1: You can write a check or bring cash to Mrs. DuShane in an envelope marked "GEO Wish List."


#2: You can purchase wish list items and bring them to school with a SPECIAL DELIVERY for a teacher or administrator


Q: Is Rapoport Academy a non-profit organization?  I need a tax ID number (EIN) for tax purposes.


A: You can contact Gaylene Reed at Rapoport for this information (


Q: May I get a receipt or donation letter for my purchase?


A: Fill out the form to the right and we will contact you in order to properly process your donation letter with our thanks.


Q: I don't have much money.  How can I still give?

If you have any questions or if you would like to make a donation,

please contact:

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